Saturday, December 28, 2019
School Uniforms, Good Or Bad Essay - 1740 Words
I assume that my readers will be students and parents who don’t agree with school uniforms. They will immediately reject them because to them these uniforms restrict the student s’ freedom of expression. After picking this topic. I wanted to take the negative of it because I want to freely choose the clothes that I want to wear. I didn’t want someone to choose the clothes that I’m going to wear. After, a while of researching this topic, I decided to take the positive side of school uniforms. In fact, these uniforms will help students become more focus in their school work instead of what they re wearing, because they don’t have to worry to fit in with the cool crowd or have to worry if their clothes match. I will try to convince these students and parents that school uniforms have a positive impact. I will give bits of information about the history of school uniforms, and give them some results that will shock them about the impact of school uniform s. School Uniforms, good or bad? What do you think of when seeing a bunch of kids in school uniforms? My first thought is looking at a team. The United States weren’t the first people to develop school uniforms. The first record of school uniforms were in England in 1222. Students at a school were required to wear a uniform called a ‘cappa clausa’, which is a long cloak, opened in the front and tighten with a band. Later on, school uniforms were becoming, â€Å"associated with the upper class as private and preparatoryShow MoreRelatedSchool Uniform Is Good Or Bad?966 Words  | 4 PagesSCHOOL UNIFORMS The school uniform is good or bad? This is a question debated in many schools. School uniforms have many advantages and disadvantages; it depends on the thought and opinion of each person. 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The first reason why school uniforms are beneficial is becauseRead MoreEssay on Implementation of School Uniforms635 Words  | 3 PagesImplementation of School Uniforms The topic of school uniforms has been highly debated for many years. Many would think it would be the teachers versus the pupils in this debate but they would be wrong, this argument has members from both sides fighting for and against it. In this essay I will look at the topic from both sides and be un-objective in my writing. Many of the arguments made in favour of school uniforms have something to do with the safety of the school communityRead MoreWhy School Uniforms Are Used As A Method Of Assimilation Rather Than Safety845 Words  | 4 PagesAfter analyzing the primary documents it became clear that school uniforms were used as a method of assimilation rather than safety. The documents never mention safety at all but rather distinguish between what is acceptable and unacceptable in a predominately white society. 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TheRead MorePublic Schools Should Adopt A School Uniform Policy889 Words  | 4 Pagespublic schools should adopt a school uniform policy, and there is a paragraph with a counter argument with school uniforms. There is a discussion on how the crime rate decreases amongst students, how uniforms save the families money, how gang related activities have decreased, and how there is less stress between students and parents. By the time you finish reading this paper, you too should agree that all public schools should adopt a school uniform policy. All Public Schools ShouldRead MorePersuasive Essay On Uniforms752 Words  | 4 PagesUniforms, a very controversial subject in many schools between the student body and administrators. As a student who does have to wear uniforms, I’m well too familiar with the topic. Many of my peers complain about it very often when they don’t see all the positive things that come with it. 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