Saturday, December 28, 2019
School Uniforms, Good Or Bad Essay - 1740 Words
I assume that my readers will be students and parents who don’t agree with school uniforms. They will immediately reject them because to them these uniforms restrict the student s’ freedom of expression. After picking this topic. I wanted to take the negative of it because I want to freely choose the clothes that I want to wear. I didn’t want someone to choose the clothes that I’m going to wear. After, a while of researching this topic, I decided to take the positive side of school uniforms. In fact, these uniforms will help students become more focus in their school work instead of what they re wearing, because they don’t have to worry to fit in with the cool crowd or have to worry if their clothes match. I will try to convince these students and parents that school uniforms have a positive impact. I will give bits of information about the history of school uniforms, and give them some results that will shock them about the impact of school uniform s. School Uniforms, good or bad? What do you think of when seeing a bunch of kids in school uniforms? My first thought is looking at a team. The United States weren’t the first people to develop school uniforms. The first record of school uniforms were in England in 1222. Students at a school were required to wear a uniform called a ‘cappa clausa’, which is a long cloak, opened in the front and tighten with a band. Later on, school uniforms were becoming, â€Å"associated with the upper class as private and preparatoryShow MoreRelatedSchool Uniform Is Good Or Bad?966 Words  | 4 PagesSCHOOL UNIFORMS The school uniform is good or bad? This is a question debated in many schools. School uniforms have many advantages and disadvantages; it depends on the thought and opinion of each person. Some people think that school uniforms display the discipline, obedience of students and it helps students can save time in choosing the outfit every day; it helps poor students have equality with everyone in school; it helps students be distinct from other people and it makes students feel proudRead MoreImportance Of School Uniforms Essay876 Words  | 4 Pagessomething to wear to school the next day? School uniforms are beneficial because first of all, with school uniforms students will fit in with their school and everyone. Second, school uniforms help schools recognize those who do and do not belong on campus. And third, they are cheaper than normal clothes. Some might think that they are boring, but the thing is that school have them in different colors which could make it fun for the stude nts. The first reason why school uniforms are beneficial is becauseRead MoreEssay on Implementation of School Uniforms635 Words  | 3 PagesImplementation of School Uniforms The topic of school uniforms has been highly debated for many years. Many would think it would be the teachers versus the pupils in this debate but they would be wrong, this argument has members from both sides fighting for and against it. In this essay I will look at the topic from both sides and be un-objective in my writing. Many of the arguments made in favour of school uniforms have something to do with the safety of the school communityRead MoreWhy School Uniforms Are Used As A Method Of Assimilation Rather Than Safety845 Words  | 4 PagesAfter analyzing the primary documents it became clear that school uniforms were used as a method of assimilation rather than safety. The documents never mention safety at all but rather distinguish between what is acceptable and unacceptable in a predominately white society. 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People say that school uniforms are a good thing. They prevent bullying, they are easier for parents to dress younger students, and they help students focus on studying, not what they are wearing. Are school administrators or boomers of the American school systems causing students to become Wendys Berrys version of stickers? Having students wear school uniforms have several pros and cons to them, including the costRead More Supporting School Uniforms Essay1600 Words  | 7 Pageswhether it is right or wrong to be made to wear School uniform is what I will be discussing. This is an issue as people have conflicting views on why we should be forced to wear these clothes. The majority believe this to be a commendable notion whereas some think it isnt worth it. Despite some good points for opposing uniform, my overall view is that it is a good idea. One of the the most debatable and contraversial issues when opposing School uniform is that it removes individual identity. TheRead MorePublic Schools Should Adopt A School Uniform Policy889 Words  | 4 Pagespublic schools should adopt a school uniform policy, and there is a paragraph with a counter argument with school uniforms. There is a discussion on how the crime rate decreases amongst students, how uniforms save the families money, how gang related activities have decreased, and how there is less stress between students and parents. By the time you finish reading this paper, you too should agree that all public schools should adopt a school uniform policy. All Public Schools ShouldRead MorePersuasive Essay On Uniforms752 Words  | 4 PagesUniforms, a very controversial subject in many schools between the student body and administrators. As a student who does have to wear uniforms, I’m well too familiar with the topic. Many of my peers complain about it very often when they don’t see all the positive things that come with it. Personally, I prefer uniforms because they come with a much easier lifestyle and not what I would have if I could wear my own clothes. I think all students should learn to appreciate what uniforms do for themRead MoreSchool Uniforms: Should Everyone Look Like Clones? Essay920 Words  | 4 PagesAre school uniforms good or bad? This is an issue that has been going on for years. There are many different reasons for school uniforms. Some say having a school uniform helps to prevent violence and others say it prevents originality. Some also say it’ll help lower or rise the cost for parents. A common argument today is whether or not uniforms should be enforced in the public school system. One main reason public schools have uniforms / dress code is because in 1996, President Clinton allowed
Friday, December 20, 2019
Leaving The Nest The United States - 1047 Words
Leaving The Nest Within the western hemisphere, neighboring countries United States and Mexico have established an interesting relationship since their rise of independence. Within this relationship, several differences appear. These nations have had their fair share of struggles; yet both manage to coexist fairly well. When comparing both of these countries on the basis of commerce, education, and political stability the commonalities, discrepancies, and relationships become evident. As well as, the factors for the mass Mexican immigration to the United States and the harmful effects that result the country of Mexico as a whole. Both the U.S. and Mexico are federal presidential representative republics. The United States is a federal republic with Barack Hussein Obama as the president. In America the president serves as the head of state and also the head of the military. Mexico’s president Enrique Pena Nieto serves as the head of state and head of military. Mexico has 31 independent states and one federal district; while the U.S. has 50 states and one main federal district. Both countries have a Bicameral Congress system in which powers are delegated amongst houses of congress; although, the United States operates more as a representative democracy. Amongst the many factors for the rise of immigration is the corruption within government officials. The New York Times states: â€Å"But just as eye-opening as the extravagances of a public official  now under investigation afterShow MoreRelatedShould Young Singles Leave Home Before They Are Married?1289 Words  | 6 Pagessingles leave home b efore they are married? It is a worldwide social fact: the young singles that will not run away. â€Å"The Italians call them mammon, or mama s boys. The Japanese call them parasaito shinguru, or parasite singles. In the United States they are known as boomerangs, and in the U.K., they are called Kippers, which is short for kids in parents pockets eroding retirement savings. (Smith) Also, â€Å"Larger shares of young women are living at home with their parents or other relativesRead MoreOppression in Cuckoos Nest1621 Words  | 7 Pagesthis exists in the two texts, â€Å"One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest,†and â€Å"The Life Your Save May Be Your Own;†in both texts we see a clear correlation between the plot events in the stories and the events that took place in American History to oppress women and Native Americans. â€Å"One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest,†and â€Å"The Life You Save May Be Your Own,†are similar due to the fact that they both metaphorically represent racism in the United States; it is clearly displayed through entrapment, subjugationRead MoreThe Empty Nest : A Feeling Of Grief And Loneliness1579 Words  | 7 PagesThe empty nest – a feeling of grief and loneliness that many parents feel when their children grow up and leave home – is becoming rare, mainly across the entire Western countries. In reality, the nest has never been so ordered. 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This figure is more than double the amount spent in advertising in China, the second largest ad market in the world.†From this, it is effortless to see that American’sRead MoreThe United States Of America872 Words  | 4 PagesThe United States of America is a very popular country that everyone is familiar with, but for me this place is not only just ordinary, it was the second home for me and for my family since 2012. One day I was playing in the park with my brother suddenly, our father came to us and said that I have a surprise for you both. It was a festive season at that time so we thought it might be some clothes or any kind of gifts because we have a tradition in our country that in every f estive season parentsRead MoreWhy Are Galapagos Penguins Endangered?1839 Words  | 7 Pagesï » ¿Galapagos Penguin Spheniscus mendiculus The IUCN Red List and the United States Endangered Species Act have classified this species as Endangered Why are the Galapagos Penguins Considered Endangered? Various factors, particularly climatic perturbations caused by the *El Nià ±o and La Nià ±a cycles which have effected consistency of their food supply, have caused the population to shrink dramatically over the last 34 years (3 generations) It has a small population. The penguin population is restrictedRead MoreThe Bald Eagle And The Eagle1867 Words  | 8 Pagescalling the bald eagle, the american bald eagle (Tangley, 1.) Geographic Range The bald eagle (scientific name, haliaeetus leucocephalus) is found throughout North America, along coasts, rivers, lakes, and reservoirs. The bird is indigenous to United States, Canada, northern Mexico and several islands including Saint Pierre and Miquelon. Research shows that in a single year, the bald eagle spends 88 percent of its time in some part of the U.S., 31 percent in Canada, and 8 percent in Mexico (â€Å"BaldRead MoreTaking a Look at Ai Weiwei1760 Words  | 7 Pagessent to a labor camp. It was not for sixteen years later at the end of the Cultural Revolution until his family moved back to Beijing. He studied animation at the Beijing Film Academy in 1978. After his studies he spent about twelve years in the United States and studied at the Parsons School of Design where he soon dropped out. For income he became a street artist, doing drawings on the side. When his father had become sick in 1993, Ai returned to Beijing from New York City. He then became the artistRe ad More Killer Bees: The American Invasion Essay1913 Words  | 8 Pages In 1957 the experiment went awry when 26 AHB colonies escaped and swarmed into the forests of Sao Paulo. Since that time, AHB have spread 300 to 500 kilometers (100-200 miles) each year through the Americas, entering Mexico in 1986 and the United States in 1990. 3.0 Biology and Habits: AHB differ from their EHB counterparts in both physical and sociological aspects: â€Å"Africanized bees resemble their African parents more than their European parents in mitochondrial DNA, morphometry, hemolymphRead MoreBand of Brothers Book Review Essay1205 Words  | 5 PagesE Company, 506th Regiment, 101st Airborne: From Normandy to Hitlers Eagles Nest By Stephen Ambrose ISBN 0-671-76922-7 Review by Kevin Campopiano History 382 Prof. Schweizer Band of Brothers is a book chronicalizing the emotions, bonds, tragedies and tactics used by Easy Company in the 506th Regiment of the 101st Airborne which is one of the highest decorated companies from World War II in the United States armed forces. It is written by Stephen Ambrose, a distinguished history professor
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Managerial Decision Making Entrepreneurship Theory
Question: Discuss about theManagerial Decision Makingfor Entrepreneurship Theory. Answer: Introduction Herbert Alexander Simon, a political scientist, psychologist and sociologist, researched within a large range of subjects, unified by the researches of decision making (Zsambok Klein, 2014). The capacity of human mind for formulating and solving complex problems is very small compared with the size of problems whose solution is required for objectively rational behavior in the real world or even for a reasonable approximation to such objective rationality this quote of Simon will be analyzed in this essay based on four concept of Simon that defines the bias in decision making in the workplace. This theory is also known as the concept of bounded rationality. It is beyond doubt that Simon has been a pioneer of the concepts of bounded rationality. These concepts discussed here, can be used in order to explain bias and rationality in the decision making process on the basis of explaining the concepts here. The concepts are Judgment and decision making process, Bounded rationality, Judg ment heuristics and biases that are responsible for a biased managerial judgment in the organization. These concepts define the diverse influence on the though process of an individual while making an important decision. Judgment and Decision Making Process Any kind of decision making aims to solve problem and in order to do that the procedure involves three basic activities, selecting the agendas, setting up the goals, and designing the actions; after the problem solving evaluating and choosing is generally called decision making (Ford Richardson, 2013). Simon as a researcher focused on the understanding of human behavior and particularly the decision making. In discussing the judgment and decision making process, Simon had addressed two approaches. The first approach concerns the cognitive process in practice, not the theoretical approach to the economic theories that states decision makers have access to all the required information and unlimited time. The second goal is to prescribe how to make the good decisions. In other words, it can be said that Simon has investigated whether any competence in the decision making exists or not. This approach of Simon towards the process of decision making gives rise to another concept, biased r ationality. Researchers have agreed with Simon on the economic agents not being rational, but not exactly with the concept of bounded rationality theory (Clarke, Horst Roberts, 2015). It was found in the later researches that several times people diverge systematically from the expected outcome, decided in many theories. Bounded Rationality The concept of bounded rationality refers to the economic actors maximizing the utility; it also says that, in order to do it, the actors need to be rational and perfect agents. This also means that the final outcome of their taken decisions will be same if logical rules are used properly or a full cost benefit analysis is done with all the available options (Hasan, Shamsuddin Aziati, 2013). Simon came with this concept where he defined the decision making as a search process that is guided by several aspiration levels. Aspiration levels are defined as the value of the aim variable that much be surpassed by the satisfactory decision substitute. In other words, the concept of bound rationality refers to the rational theories underlying the adaptive behavior of people. In other words, it is the idea that when the individuals make decisions their sense of rationality is limited by the decision problem, the cognitive restriction of the mind and the available time for taking the decision (Chrisman, Memili Misra, 2014). The given quote clearly refers to the concept of bounded rationality. It refers that the decision makers act as the perfect agents who seeks a solution that is satisfactory than the optimal one. Simon proposed this theory as the alternative of the mathematical expression of decision making and the model views the decision making process as a entirely rational one of finding the optimal choice from the available information. Simon had utilized the analogy of scissors and represented one blade as the cognitive limitation of an individual and the other one as the structure of the environment. This example illustrated the process how the minds compensate for the limited resources by utilizing the known structural reliability of the environment. Simon pointed out that in most cases people are partly rational and mostly irrational in the rest part. He also states that the bounded rational agents experience several limits in solving and planning the comple x problems and also in processing the information. There are several dimensions that come along with the classic model of rationality that are more realistic than the real one, while sticking within the fair formalization; those are, limiting the utility function types, distinguishing the collecting and processing the information and the possibility of having the vector utility function (Tang, Huang Shang, 2015). In this model, Simon stated that the economic agents utilize the heuristics for making the decisions than any strict regulation of optimization. The agents are bound to act like this because of the complex situation and their incapability of processing, also work out the predictable utility of the alternate action. This gives rise to another theory of Simon in managerial decision making, Judgment Heuristics. Judgment Heuristics In the sphere of psychology, heuristics are considered as the simple rules that are often used by people in order to form the judgment or make significant decisions. These are considered to be the shortcuts in the mental level, which are involved to focus on a specific aspect of a complex problem ignoring the rest (Betsch Haberstroh, 2014). On the basis of the concept of bounded rationality by Simon, psychologists Tversky and Kahneman exhibited that there are three heuristics, which underlie the intuitive judgments. The three heuristics are representativeness, availability and anchoring and adjustment. The availability heuristic refers to the ease which brings the exact idea in the mind. If an individual estimates the frequency of the event based on the availability, the availability heuristics is used (Kappesser Williams, 2013). For instance, people overestimate the death in the dramatic events, whereas the usual deaths are not that much overestimated at all. This happens because people use the heuristics of availability and overestimate the less available one. The next heuristics, representativeness refers to the usage of categories, for instance at the time of deciding whether an individual is a good person or not. People categorize others on the basis of things with high representativeness (Harrison, Mason Smith, 2015). In addition to that, when people are categorizing based on the representative heuristics, the representative means two different things, the sample used for the comparison and also the relation between the sample and the thing they are categorizing. This heuristic is also an instance of the clarification that how people use cause and effect method in judgment and decision making. The third heuristics anchoring and adjustment refers to the heuristic used in several situations when people tend to estimate any number. According to the original definition of Tversky and Kahneman, this involve the start from the available number, which works a s the anchor and any kind of shift from this, up or down, reach the final answer. It has been seen in several experiments that the anchor value can be random and extreme as well, although it still contaminate the estimates (Glimcher Fehr, 2013). These heuristics along with many others impact on almost most of the decisions taken by an individual. Biases Several factors have a significant impact on the decision making such as biases. Bias can entirely change the final outcome of the decision, or it might influence the decision to some extent as well. Among the different kinds of biases, conformation bias is the tendency of interpreting or favoring the information in such a way that confirms the preexisted value of the individual, while they give less consideration to the other alternate possibilities (Heath et al. 2013). This is also a type of cognitive bias and people are seen to have this kind of bias while they try to gather selective information and interpret them in a biased way. Another kind of bias is anchoring bias, which refers to the general tendency of an individual of relying on the initially available information or the anchor (Toplak, West Stanovich, 2014). While making a decision, if the individual sets the anchor as the first information available to him, the other decisions are made by adjusting with the help of the anchor. For instance, if someone likes the first dress offered to him and sets it to be the final one on the mental level, he will get biased judging the other dresses offered to him. Conclusion In the light of the quote by Simon, it can be seen that there are several factors that can be responsible for the final decision and in a business organization it is highly effective. Making decision is a cognitive process and it results in selection of the course of action among many other alternative options. The above four concepts show that how a decision making can be influenced by several factors in the organization. The quote by Simon clearly shows how the decision making process can be influenced by the available time and the complexity of the issue. However, effective rational decision can result in profit in the organization. Reference List Betsch, T. Haberstroh, S. eds., (2014).The routines of decision making. Psychology Press. Chrisman, J.J., Memili, E. Misra, K., (2014). Nonfamily managers, family firms, and the winner's curse: The influence of noneconomic goals and bounded rationality.Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,38(5), pp.1103-1127. Clarke, H.F., Horst, N.K. Roberts, A.C., (2015). Regional inactivations of primate ventral prefrontal cortex reveal two distinct mechanisms underlying negative bias in decision making.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,112(13), pp.4176-4181. Ford, R.C. Richardson, W.D., (2013). Ethical decision making: A review of the empirical literature. InCitation classics from the Journal of Business Ethics(pp. 19-44). Springer Netherlands. Glimcher, P.W. Fehr, E. eds., (2013).Neuroeconomics: Decision making and the brain. Academic Press. Harrison, R.T., Mason, C. Smith, D., (2015). Heuristics, learning and the business angel investment decision-making process.Entrepreneurship Regional Development,27(9-10), pp.527-554. Hasan, Y., Shamsuddin, A. Aziati, N., (2013). The impact of management information systems adoption in managerial decision making: A review.The International Scientific Journal of Management Information Systems,8(4), pp.010-017. Heath, L., Tindale, R.S., Edwards, J., Posavac, E.J., Bryant, F.B., Henderson-King, E., Suarez-Balcazar, Y. Myers, J. eds., (2013).Applications of heuristics and biases to social issues(Vol. 3). Springer Science Business Media. Kappesser, J. C Williams, A.C., (2013). Clinical judgement heuristics: Methods and models.European Journal of Pain,17(10), pp.1423-1424. Tang, T.Q., Huang, H.J. Shang, H.Y., (2015). Influences of the drivers bounded rationality on micro driving behavior, fuel consumption and emissions.Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment,41, pp.423-432. Toplak, M.E., West, R.F. Stanovich, K.E., (2014). Rational thinking and cognitive sophistication: Development, cognitive abilities, and thinking dispositions.Developmental psychology,50(4), p.1037. Zsambok, C.E. Klein, G., (2014).Naturalistic decision making. Psychology Press.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Captain America The Winter Soldier Essay Example For Students
Captain America: The Winter Soldier Essay Captain America: The Winter Soldier, has been classified as a 12A and is an action-adventure sci-fi film. Being a sequel and having already gained an audience, the producers have decided to stick within the same guidelines as the original, Captain America: The First Avenger, in order for this film to also be classified at a 12A too. I think that this was done as a way to ensure that they did not limit their audiences. The first movie was a success with a gross of $176,636,816 with this classification, therefore by having another film with the same certificate means that they can use similar marketing strategies as they previously had done to attract the same mass audience as well as try to use new ones to target their wider audience. The trailer is appropriate for this certificate as it does not emphasise on the violence, but instead focuses on the aesthetics by using lots of medium shots and quick edits to create a sense of speed and excitement for the audience to engage with the scenes without making them feel sick at the sight of too much blood and gore. Having watched the trailer the conventions reflect the same characteristics as those that appeared in the marvel comics. An example of this is when we see Captain America (CA) continuing to try and keep the public safe and out of trouble in the same way that his character does in the comics. For those who watched the original film/have seen the trailer or have read or seen any of the comics they would expect to see a lot of guns and fighting scenes and violence throughout this movie. So the producer would have to take this into account as by having a film without the violent scenes and without the similar characteristics to the comic would mean that it wouldn’t be what the public are expecting and could have an affect on their gross. Therefore the film would need to be classified at a 12A rating in order to be the correct certificate if the film intends on including lots of action and long fighting sequences as expected by its current and future target audience. The fact that lots of fight scenes will be apparent would mean that this would be a selling point for the young male audience as generally when boys are about 10 and upwards they like to regularly ‘play fight’ and redo fight scenes taken from shows such as ‘WWE’ and ‘Kim Possible’ so they tend to be the people who are most interested in this type of film. Saying that I don’t think the moves shown in the trailer could be easily mimicked, though I doubt this would affect the imagination of the youthful males. I think this film has a wider audience and isnt solely aimed at young boys. I would say that it is aimed at young girls too because of the attractive, Black Widow (BW) character who works with CA to save the day. I believe that their audiences are subjected between a link to how potential audiences can identify with the Blumler and Katz Theory. For this I would say that the reason why this film also targets young girls is because BW is a character that young girls would look up to and want to be like because she appears as someone who is cool and sexy. Whereas young boys would also want to come along to see the film because of her beauty too. A female audience of 19 + may be attracted to this film as it frames women in a different light compared to how women tend to be portrayed in action adventure movies, as the complete damsel in distress. .uaf0392e7adcf6338cec382011bf5df60 , .uaf0392e7adcf6338cec382011bf5df60 .postImageUrl , .uaf0392e7adcf6338cec382011bf5df60 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uaf0392e7adcf6338cec382011bf5df60 , .uaf0392e7adcf6338cec382011bf5df60:hover , .uaf0392e7adcf6338cec382011bf5df60:visited , .uaf0392e7adcf6338cec382011bf5df60:active { border:0!important; } .uaf0392e7adcf6338cec382011bf5df60 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uaf0392e7adcf6338cec382011bf5df60 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uaf0392e7adcf6338cec382011bf5df60:active , .uaf0392e7adcf6338cec382011bf5df60:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uaf0392e7adcf6338cec382011bf5df60 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uaf0392e7adcf6338cec382011bf5df60 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uaf0392e7adcf6338cec382011bf5df60 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uaf0392e7adcf6338cec382011bf5df60 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uaf0392e7adcf6338cec382011bf5df60:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uaf0392e7adcf6338cec382011bf5df60 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uaf0392e7adcf6338cec382011bf5df60 .uaf0392e7adcf6338cec382011bf5df60-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uaf0392e7adcf6338cec382011bf5df60:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Discussing Jaws EssayBW is played by Scarlett Johansson, who I would say is a significant choice as she is known for being a very attractive woman who when appearing in films never needs to be saved by anyone and this representation is attractive to both men and women, especially when she is wearing a tight catsuit. The character BW would also be used by females as a way to identify themselves with this character and also as a way to socially interact with others to escape from their own personal relationships and admire the romantic relationship between BW and CA. This is a theory known as social and personal identity which is a key concept found by Blumler and Katz. More so, CA himself is a very attractive man who would appeal to females too different from Iron Man and other Marvel characters as he has a clean cut and his characteristics are more moral and he appears more like a gentlemen. Furthermore the film would also be of interest to adults who grew up reading the Marvel comics as it would be as if there childhood is being brought to life. After looking at the trailer (01:12-01:23) you notice that there is only moderate violence and the scenes are quick sharp action cuts as oppose to long bloody intense scenes which make it appropriate for this rating. For all these reasons I would say that classifying the film at a 12A is appropriate because it will be of interest of both male and female audiences of around 10 25. Bibliography: Short Film. Research
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